So after you read the last article you should find out that you quest list is quite lacking. As a new player you should only have a few ARKS quests on your list and now I will show you how to unlock quests and maps.
First your target is to unlock Featured quests and daily orders(to be mentioned soon).To do this follow these steps:
Clear ARKS quest Subdue Za Oodan and then Subdue Fangulf.
After you finished these two find Koffie and take her "Free Exploration: Forest" order.
Clear the just unlocked "Forest exploration" quest.
Go to the bridge after that and clear the EP4 story quest "Guardian’s Awakening". And you should found that "Phantom Annihilation: Tokyo" is available to choose from your list. Clear that, find Koffie for her order "Free Exploration: Tokyo", clear this order and "Tokyo Exploration" then you unlocked Featured quests and daily orders.
After unlocking Featured quests and daily orders you should work on ALL of Koffie's orders, If you need help refer to this page here.
You should come across an order from Koffie to obtain your first mag after unlocking "Forest exploration". Check out how mag works here. You are recommended to raise either Ranged. Strike or Tech attack only to level 200, which is the level cap of a mag. Again, check out the guide in the above link to know more.
Things are starting to get busy for you, but if you are interested in more of the game's content you should also check out the in game walkthough "ARKS road" for more info.
Check my next article about dailies that you should do in the game
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